Selected Publications
Over the period of my career I have been lucky to have worked on a range of areas within magnetism, carbon-based materials (graphene) and liquid crystals. Selected publications are shown below. Please let me know if you are unable to access an article and require a preprint.
- Harding, E. et al. 2024. Imaging the magnetic nanowire cross-section and magnetic ordering within a suspended 3D artificial spin-ice. APL Materials (10.1029/2023gc011228)
- Saccone, M., Van den Berg, A., Harding, E., Singh, S., Giblin, S. R., Flicker, F. and Ladak, S. 2023. Exploring the phase diagram of 3D artificial spin-ice. Communications Physics 6(1), article number: 217. (10.1038/s42005-023-01338-2)
- van den Berg, A., Carouel, M., Hunt, M. and Ladak, S. 2023. Combining two-photon lithography with laser ablation of sacrificial layers: a route to isolated 3D magnetic nanostructures. Nano Research 16, pp. 1441-1447. (10.1007/s12274-022-4649-z)
- Ladak, S., Fernandez-Pacheco, A. and Fischer, P. 2022. Science and technology of 3D magnetic nanostructures. APL Materials 10(12), article number: 120401. (10.1063/5.0136801)
- Askey, J., Hunt, M., Langbein, W. and Ladak, S. 2022. Asymmetric dual Bloch point domain walls in cylindrical magnetic nanowires. APL Materials 10(7), article number: 71105. (10.1063/5.0089291)
- Chumak, A. V. et al. 2022. Advances in magnetics roadmap on spin-wave computing. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58(6), article number: 800172. (10.1109/tmag.2022.3149664)
Barman, al. 2021. The 2021 Magnonics Roadmap. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33(41), article number: 413001. (10.1088/1361-648X/abec1a)
Sahoo, al. 2021. Observation of coherent spin waves in a three-dimensional artificial spin ice structure. Nano Letters 21(11), pp. 4629-4635. (10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c00650)
May, al. 2021. Magnetic charge propagation upon a 3D artificial spin-ice. Nature Communications 12, article number: 3217. (10.1038/s41467-021-23480-7)
Askey, J. et al. 2020. Use of Two-Photon Lithography with a Negative Resist and Processing to Realise Cylindrical Magnetic Nanowires. Nanomaterials 10(3), 429
Hunt, al. 2020. Harnessing multi-photon absorption to produce three-dimensional magnetic structures at the nanoscale. Materials 13(3), article number: 761. (10.3390/ma13030761)
May, A. et al. 2019. Realisation of a frustrated 3D magnetic nanowire lattice. Communications Physics 2019, 2, 13
Sahoo, S. et al. 2018. Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in a Nanoscale Three- Dimensional Cobalt Tetrapod Structure. Nanoscale, 2018,10, 9981-9986
Thomas, R .et al. 2018. In-situ fabricated 3D micro-lenses for photonic integrated circuits. Optics Express 26, 13436-13442 (2018)
Williams, G. et al. Two-photon lithography for 3D magnetic nanostructure fabrication. Nano Research 2018, 11, p 845
Naisbett-Jones, al. 2017. A magnetic map leads juvenile European eels to the Gulf Stream. Current Biology 27(8), pp. 1236-1240. (10.1016/j.cub.2017.03.015)
Walton, al. 2015. Limitations in artificial spin ice path selectivity: the challenges beyond topological control. New Journal of Physics 17(1), article number: 013054. (10.1088/1367-2630/17/1/013054)
Ladak, al. 2013. Observation of wrinkle induced potential drops in biased chemically derived graphene thin film networks. Carbon 64, pp. 35-44.
Zeissler, al. 2013. The non-random walk of chiral magnetic charge carriers in artificial spin ice. Scientific Reports 3, article number: 1252. (10.1038/srep01252)
Ladak, al. 2012. Disorder-independent control of magnetic monopole defect population in artificial spin-ice honeycombs. New Journal of Physics 14(4), article number: 045010. (10.1088/1367-2630/14/4/045010)
Branford, al. 2012. Emerging chirality in artificial spin ice. Science 335(6076), pp. 1597-1600. (10.1126/science.1211379)
Ladak, al. 2011. Direct observation and control of magnetic monopole defects in an artificial spin-ice material. New Journal of Physics 13, article number: 063032. (10.1088/1367-2630/13/6/063032)
Gilbertson, al. 2011. Sub-100-nm negative bend resistance ballistic sensors for high spatial resolution magnetic field detection. Applied Physics Letters 98(6), article number: 062106. (10.1063/1.3554427)
Ladak, al. 2011. Monopole defects and magnetic Coulomb blockade. New Journal of Physics 13(2), article number: 023023. (10.1088/1367-2630/13/2/023023)
Davidson, al. 2010. Defect trajectories and domain-wall loop dynamics during two-frequency switching in a bistable azimuthal nematic device. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81(5), article number: 051712. (10.1103/PhysRevE.81.051712)
Ladak, al. 2010. Direct observation of magnetic monopole defects in an artificial spin-ice system [Letter]. Nature Physics 6(5), pp. 359-363. (10.1038/nphys1628)
Hirohata, al. 2009. Si segregation in polycrystalline Co2MnSi films with grain-size control. Applied Physics Letters 95(25), article number: 252506. (10.1063/1.3276073)
Ladak, al. 2009. Magnetic and structural properties of laminated Co65Fe35 films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321(8), pp. 996-1000. (10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.03.019)
Ladak, al. 2009. Sidewall control of static azimuthal bistable nematic alignment states. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42(8), article number: 085114. (10.1088/0022-3727/42/8/085114)
Ladak, S., Fernandez-Outon, L. E. and O’Grady, K. 2008. Influence of seed layer on magnetic properties of laminated Co65Fe35 films. Journal of Applied Physics 103(7), article number: 07B514. (10.1063/1.2832436)
Telling, al. 2006. Evidence of a barrier oxidation dependence on the interfacial magnetism in Co/alumina based magnetic tunnel junctions. Journal of Applied Physics 99(8), article number: 08E505. (10.1063/1.2171002)
Ladak, S. and Hicken, R. J. 2005. Evidence for hot electron magnetocurrent in a double barrier tunnel junction device. Applied Physics Letters 87(23), article number: 232504. (10.1063/1.2140480)
Ladak, S. and Hicken, R. J. 2005. Origin of large magnetocurrent in three-terminal double-barrier magnetic tunnel junctions. Journal of Applied Physics 97(10), article number: 104512. (10.1063/1.1905790)
Keatley, al. 2005. Use of microscale coplanar striplines with indium tin oxide windows in optical ferromagnetic resonance measurements. Journal of Applied Physics 97(10), article number: 10R304. (10.1063/1.1849071)
Telling, al. 2004. Spin polarization and barrier-oxidation effects at the Co/alumina interface in magnetic tunnel junctions. Applied Physics Letters 85(17), pp. 3803-3805. (10.1063/1.1812383)
Hicken, al. 2003. Optical ferromagnetic resonance studies of thin film magnetic structures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 36(18), pp. 2183-2192. (10.1088/0022-3727/36/18/002)